Sunday, April 27, 2008

Great News

Sorry we haven't posted anything in a couple of days. It has kind of been a mad house at the MacNaughtan's with all of the kids home.
Yesterday Dad got his Genetic testing results. They showed he has a better prognosis of good health and he will not have to have as much medicine in the next chemo treatments. He got a cat scan and his brain bleed hasn't gotten any worse.
Today he got good news too. The doctor came in and asked him about his numbers because they have almost doubled. The doctor asked if Dad had had any more platelets and Dad told him no. So they may do the spinal tap today so that Dad can come home Tomorrow!!! Hopefully it will last longer than last time. They are going to start him on solids today as well.
They are doing the spinal tap because they are still worried about his headaches and want to make sure the cancer has not gone to the brain. They take a little bit of fluid out of spine and they put the same amount of fluid back in with some chemo.
Dad is starting to loose his hair and should be bald by the end of the day. It is coming out quickly. But it has been a couple of good days.
Again thank you for all your support and prayers. They are truly felt by the whole family.

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