Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Good News

The doctor came in with good news today. He said the Spinal Fluid was clear so there was no sign of cancer in the spinal cord, His CAT scan was clear and his Eco Cardiogram came back better then they expected. That was really reassuring to hear. He also finished his first of eight courses of chemo and the Dr. was pleased with how well my Dad handled it. The Dr. said usually the first course is the worst but Dad came through with flying colors.
Dad wanted you all to know how much he and the family appreciate all the thoughts and prayers said on our behalf. We feel a great deal of comfort and peace through them. We truly thank you, and your prayers are felt by all. We also appreciate all the visitors and phone calls. If your phone call is not answered however please call back. Dad's phone may be turned down when he is resting.

1 comment:

JacksonFour said...

Mark, Claudia & Family,
We just wanted to send our thoughts and prayers your way. It sounds like the news you received yesterday was really good. We will continue to pray for you that you may all stay strong through this time. We love you all and are keeping you close in heart, thought and prayer.
All our love,
The Jackson Family
Andy, Kristie (Soter), Taylor & Hunter